Bifaro product on a white background.

Show your product when it doesn't exist yet

You might have already come across other articles in our website that talk about the advantages that 3D visualization has when it comes to communication. It makes it possible to represent products and processes in a clear, impressive and very effective way for different communication objectives. It is a great support for sales, at fairs and events, and in internal communication processes.

But what if your product doesn't exist yet? Well, again, 3D design is here to generate the renders, images and videos you need to convey it to your audience, whether they are potential clients, investors or other departments of your company.

Cases in which a good render is essential

1. Product under development

3D visualization and rendering can be of great help in cases where a product is under development. Renderings can be used to create a realistic visual representation of the product that does not yet physically exist, allowing designers, engineers, and manufacturers to visualize the final product and make improvements before going into production.

3D visualization can also help product development teams communicate more effectively with customers and stakeholders, as they can show a visual representation of the final product rather than simply describe it in words. This is very useful for businesses and entrepreneurs who:

2. Solutions designed & manufactured on demand

In industries such as the naval and agricultural, machinery is often designed and manufactured on demand, adapting the final product to what the client needs in their facilities. This also happens in other sectors, such as architecture or fashion. Realistic 3D images are essential to provide this tailor-made service with the highest quality and the best possible user experience. In these cases, 3D renderings can be used to show what the final product will look like before it is manufactured, allowing customers and designers to see the product in its final form and make improvements and adjustments before it is produced. It is, in short, a tool to align with customer expectations at different design stages.

Some examples where 3D visualization adds great value in the production of customized solutions are:

3. Validation of business ideas

An additional application of 3D renderings is its use in the validation of business ideas. In this case, fictional renderings are used to show what a product would look like on the market, even before starting the product development process for manufacturing. This approach is especially useful for startups and companies looking to bring new products to market, as it allows them to validate their idea before investing heavily in development and production.

Virtual 3D renderings can be shared internally, among partners, potential investors or companies in the same group. They are also very useful for carrying out test marketing campaigns with the aim of validating demand or obtaining real metrics before the actual product launch.

Another advantage of using 3D mockups for validation of business ideas is that they can be created quickly and at low cost compared to the actual production of a product. This means that companies can iterate and adjust marketing design and strategy without incurring significant costs.

Prototype, convince, validate

In summary, what we wanted to tell you in this article is that 3D product renders and video can be used in a variety of business situations even before your product exists or is commercialized. Some examples are presenting products to investors, raising funds through crowdfunding, pre-sales and manufacturing on demand. In addition, 3D renderings are also useful for validating business ideas.

Generate quality graphic content to prototype, convince and validate ideas. You can see examples on our projects page and get an idea of all the possible formats for the 3D visualization of products.